Learn the Dancer Perl web framework by developing an online game

Dancer is closely aligned with modern web development concepts enabling you to quickly implement easily maintainable web sites and web services.

  • Use the Model-View-Controller design pattern
  • Generate HTML with Template Toolkit
  • Generate JSON for a Web Service
  • Track user activity with cookies and sessions
  • Control access with redirect, forward and hooks
  • Use object oriented Perl modules
  • Have a taster of jQuery, Bootstrap and Isotope
  • Deployment with Plack and middleware

The exercises are interspersed with a project developing an online game. This project will demonstrate that the web development skills you've acquired enable you to implement a secure dynamic website.


When provided with requirements at the level of route handler functionality, a student completing this course will be able to implement a secure stateful web site within a Model-View-Controller architectural pattern.

This is demonstrated through the implementation of an online game.

This course assumes the student has taken the Perl Essentials course, or has otherwise acquired equivalent skills.

route handlers; static vs dynamic content; GET/POST parameters; 'any' route handlers;
Model-View-Controller; templates, their data and control structures; stylesheets and layout; Bootstrap
forwarding; login and logout; before hooks; DSL modification; single request variables
security; tokenized routing; favicon; wildcard route matching; forward vs redirect; error route handlers
Architecture; unit tests; configuration; jQuery with JSON web service; Isotope taster; Plack and middleware